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Friday, September 12, 2008

"Dear Mr. Obama " Is a Viral Video that is Polarizing

Dear Mr. Obama is an emotional YouTube video promoting John McCain (I don't think that it's from the McCain Campaign http://www.youtube.com/user/weneedmccain) that shows an Iraq Veteran who has a personal message for Barack Obama.

It also has an American flag and when the veteran finishes giving reasons why Obama is wrong and disrespectful to the US Forces the service man walks away to reveal he has a prosthetic leg.

The Dear Mr. Obama video is a very powerful and heavy handed emotional video that I think will go viral (CORRECTION that went viral with over 5 million views while I was writing this post) and will be very effective in polarizing viewers and dividing the United States of America even more than it already is.

The producers of this video should be very proud.


James said...

Yeah. Nothing could be more polarizing than an ad that says "I like McCain for President and I don't like Obama. Here's why."

All ads should bring us together with messages that say either "I like Obama because hopechangebelieve" or "McCain is running for Bushiter's third term".

Anonymous said...

Here's a marine with a different viewpoint:
