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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BSD Root Error iPhone iPod Touch

The way to get around the BSD root error is as follows: Working from a just restored unnamed by iTunes 1.1.4 firmware. Launch ZiPhone and instead of clicking on Jailbreak start clicking on jailbreak many times and kept clicking on it until the iPod is at the BSD root part. At this point it continues and then close ZiPhone before it finishes.

So why am I sharing this video and these instructions with you?

Well, if you are looking for a way to start creating and monetizing online videos you might get some ideas from watching this video. Is there some hobby or activity that you are into? Do you ever run into problems with that activity? Do you ever go online to find answers for those problems? Creating and sharing videos that solve problems is a great way to get some traction in online video.

The above iPhone Jailbreak ZiPhone video has had over 15,000 views on Revver and the one below has had over 90,000 views on YouTube.

The production value is not great on any of these "How To" videos but it doesn't really matter because viewers just want the info.

WARNING: Don't make videos about things you don't care about.

If you think that something is popular and you should do a video about it and make a series of videos about chances are that if you are not interested in the content you will grow tired, lose interest and you will stop making videos.

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