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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stop Calling Me Dude!

Ah this little viral video user generated gem is making it's way through the yahoo video bloggers group today and it is quite the find. Depending on who you are you may experience some different emotions.

I felt sorry for the kid's, happy they were getting it on video tap, scared when the cop grabbed the kid and laughed my ass off when at the end Officer Rivieri says, "I better not see this on YouTube."

I even experienced disappointment when there was a moment when I thought the whole thing was a fake and that C. C. Chapman was playing the cop. Part of me still thinks he was and that Chris Brogan was holding the camera.

I wish skateboarding wasn't a crime.


C.C. Chapman said...

When I got the ping I wondered "what is Tim talking about me for" and then when I saw it I had to laugh.

Hope your well DUDE :)

Chris Brogan said...

The first time I saw this video, I got sick to my stomach. Now that you've cast the cop as CC, I'm smirking.

Missed you in Austin. Some other time, I hope. : )