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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Actor Charlton Heston Dies on Twitter

Behold the mighty hand of Twitter.

I first learned of Charlton Heston's death when popular blogger Micki Krimmal or as she is known on Twitter, Mickipedia twittered, "And so begins the deluge of charlton Heston quotes..."

That was also when I realized that I now get a lot of my news in 150 characters or less.

There is a small group of us Online Video creators, podcasters and bloggers that use Twitter to comment on our lives, stay connected and tip each other off at conventions as to what sponsor has the best party or just has free food and drinks. But now, now Twitter has become a new news source.

Twitter user Jim Long or as he's know on Twitter, newmediajim works for NBC News and when he is heading to an assignment he will tap out a tweet and let his followers know what news event he's heading to. Many times if I'm checking his feed I will know about a Washington DC news event before CNN posts it.

Twitter takes thing to a whole knew level and I don't think we have even begun to understand how this little online application that interfaces with both our phones and computers is going to change the world.

Twitter has already changed live events. Who knows, maybe we will soon be able to part the Red Sea with Twitter.


Anonymous said...

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Chris from the Amateur Traveler said...

Tim, I have realized the same thing recently. I spend less time reading the paper, less time reading RSS feeds and almost no time watching TV news. I get my news from Twitter as well as learning about interesting websites.


Chris Christensen
Amateur Traveler podcast - http://AmateurTraveler.com
Tripinator - Travel 2.0 - http://tripinator.com

newmediajim said...

Tim! thank you for the shout-out! People who follow me on Twitter have actually helped make CORRECTIONS on our web site. that is a game changer to me.

Unknown said...

Twitter as news source has become a way of life for me as well. I hardly even check my CNN and BBC RSS feeds any more. In addition to the folks you mentioned, there is great breaking coverage from "BreakingNewsOn" on Twitter as well.


Just Another Blogger said...

Twitter has changed the way I get breaking news as well - from @BreakingNewsOn, who usually beats the pants off of CNN. I also have made it my personal "golden rule" of social networking to "follow those who follow me" ... so come join me on Twitter ;-) @marcand.

LEM said...

Over in Ireland, @BrianGreene has been twittering (while events happen) the elapsed time between someone's tweet, such as "We just had an earthquake," and when the story about the event shows up on the news websites (notably, the BBC). Let's just say it's *not* instantaneous.

- @LEMills

Mickipedia said...

Twitter has all but replaced my RSS reader. On the surface, it may seem like Twitter can suck away a lot of time but I find it helps me stay on top of things quickly and effortlessly - saving me time catching up later.